Last week I heard someone say that they weren't making any resolutions this year and my ears perked up. I've always been the type to make resolutions and decrees and things I should be doing... I love to-do lists. I feel like they keep me on track. And resolutions for the new year are like one giant to-do list. So I was shocked when this person wasn't going to make any! Instead, they said that they are practicing "a daily discipline to be present."
It took me a second, but I think this is an idea I can get behind. It's hard because _____________ (we all have something), but I think it could be a life-changing practice and I'm definitely going to try it.
As you go back to school or back to work this week, I encourage you to strive to be present. For me this means I need to stop multi-tasking. I can't be spending time with family and checking emails at the same time. I can't go skiing while thinking about health insurance. One is sure to get ruined and I don't want that kind of life.
Will you join me? Set aside time to enjoy, be present, and focus solely on the activity at hand. I think that we'll all be healthier and happier in the end.
If you need help, we're always offering incredible nature tours. We'll stop and smell the pine trees, we'll pause in the silence, we'll listen to the crunching snow under our feet, and we'll savor each delicious taste of Pacific Northwest brewed beer. It's what we do.
Happy 2017! We look forward to a very "present" year with you!