If you spent any time in Bend during the last five months, you know that we've had quite the winter. The roads were covered in snow, classes were canceled, and our snowshoeing adventures were more spectacular than ever! While we're still a few weeks away from the full effect of summer, we have started to see slight changes that remind us spring is here. (The official first day of spring was yesterday, March 20th!) If you look closely the next time you're on a walk, you'll see the beginnings of tulips and daffodils popping up all over. It's amazing to me that even after being buried under several feet of snow for months, they are just as ready as ever to pop up out of the ground and begin to bloom. Now that's what I call resilient! It reminds me of this incredible video posted by Environmental News and Activism a few months ago. There is something so inspiring about watching nature transition from one season to another and bring so much life into the world! Please enjoy!

As winter turns into spring we are excitedly anticipating all of the changes in our near future. Starting next month we are offering new, unique tours that we are really excited about! We're offering everything from tours specifically for singles, overnight staycations, and volunteer efforts! Stay up to date with the latest at Wanderlust by checking our Special Events page and pinning it to your toolbar. 

The beginnings of growth are all around us! 

The beginnings of growth are all around us! 

If all this change is coming at you too fast, don't worry! We won't be swapping out our snow boots for Chacos just yet - we plan to snowshoe through the end of May! The great thing about Bend's climate is that you can experience two seasons at once! Look for our spring newsletter to come out early next week! Check your inbox!